Today we had to go to the required medical exam next to the US consulate. It was cool to see an American flag blowing in the wind. Yes indeed, I miss my homeland! When we arrived it was sort of like controlled chaos. There were other families getting the exam from other agencies as well as the 14 families from Holt international..... Lots of crying, screaming, and movement going on in that small space. We waited for a while to get some more paperwork ( Yeah...more papers) and then we had to visit 4 screening rooms. The first one was a general screening where they checked out his body and head measurement.
Then he went to the Ear, Nose and throat doctor to get checked for infection. He has had a sniffle only in the night which has ended up as a bloody nose twice this week, but that did not affect his exam..(PTL) I don't think that many Chinese people have exposure to Deaf children. They would start talking to him in Chinese, but immediately give up their efforts when I would say that he was deaf. Funny thing is... that did not stop our social butterfly. Toby was signing to all of the nurses "Thank you" after they were finished... Teaching him to be polite and considerate of others has been a priority... He is doing a great job of it too!
He had to then get his eyes checked and his weight. He was a whopping 35 pounds and I can believe that at the end of the day when all of my muscles are sore. (: He did a color blind test as well. Toby passed..David failed,,,, haha
The last but not least room was the TB testing room. The parents were not allowed to go in. We just had to hand the child to the nurses and they would close the door, draw their blood and then return a screaming child back to the parents. Fun Fun! Most of the smaller ones were very upset by this for many reasons...leaving their parents and experiencing physical pain, but our Toby was a trooper. He walked in with the nurses, and came out smiling showing us his bandaid. We were so proud of him. I think he has a high pain tolerance because in just 5 days of having him, he has fallen a hundred times, bumped his head a couple of times and then had a needle stick with NO tears.... The boy is a tough guy!
After we left , we came back to the room, ordered Papa Johns Pizza... YEAH!!!!!!!!! Good news... we all dove into it and savored each bite.... Bad news.... Toby spit it out... OH NO! How could one our family members NOT like pizza? Well.. I guess it has to be a acquired taste... We will work on that. ;) I grabbed my pizza and went down to a meeting room for a two hour paperwork meeting while David and the kids stayed in the room. We went over the schedule for the rest of our time together as well as gathered our important documents needed for our consulate appointment.
For dinner, we found some "western" food... I had a BLT. It would have been better if the bacon was completely done ... OH well... We all enjoyed something different for sure.
We are so thankful for all of your prayers each day. We are all excited to come home and start our life in America. One prayer request.... Our Toby has a couple of new knicknames... Crazy Ninja and Live Wire.. Can you guess why? He is the cutest thing ever, but boy oh boy, does he move.. He keeps us on our toes constantly and if we are not watching him every second, he could open the door and take off down the hall. (which he has done already) Having a deaf child that might be confused by this HUGE change could make him extra fidgety... especially on a 13 hour flight. My prayer request is that he will act ok on this flight home on Saturday (28th) I know we are still 6 days out, but I would love for you to start praying now...otherwise it will be a pretty stressful time for all of us. Thanks ahead of time!
Here he is saying "Thank you" to one of the nurses as he exited the room...
Our reaction to his cuteness!
Glad you got the "ok" on his medical exam. I understand you have to go back and have the TB test looked at....before it is final. ~ Toby seems like a "spit -fire" kind of boy. How blessed to have a "happy-go-lucky" little guy! ~ I've read from other blogs that the place for the medical exams is usually chaotic. ~ Enjoy your time over there with your family. You'll be back home before you know it.....times flies wherever you are. :)
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